Products & Services
Commercial Robots
Educational Robots
Full range of educational robots
IoT/IoE Products
AI / Robotic Professional Services
Why Chose Us?
Vase experience in deployment and programming NAO and Pepper robots for commerce and education use.
Our Strengths
Our knowledge, skills and connections with robotics is unquestionable, particularly with social robots like: Japan's Softbank (Nao and Pepper) and Chinese robots.
Our Hong Kong operation is involved with the largest project in the world that deploys over 70 Softbank's robots to Hong Kong's Special Educational Need (SEN) schools. The project also involved with research and development of robotic educatioalwear for all levels of SEN students. The team is also working with various AI and robotic companies to introduce new robots technologies in social care.
Our UK operation is working with close partners to build the infrstucture for our robots to be deployed into health and social care which will make a difference to the way of supporting healthcare services to individulas and government services. The Infrstructure will involve many IoT technologies that supports multi standards of IoT devices that can be applied to any industry use.